
Poetry Prompts

Just some of my scattered thoughts all around: - How would you describe a color to a blind person (or colors in general)? - How would you describe a sound to a deaf person (or sounds in general)? - Pick one sensation usually associated with a certain sense, then use the 4 other senses to describe it (without ever mentioning what it is!). For example: what does furry smell, look, taste, and sound like? Use your imagination! - Describe a "perfect you" (how you aspire to be like), then end with looking away from the mirror. This one is great for those down moments! - Write a side-by-side poem (formatted like a conversation) between an optimistic point of view on a specific subject and a pessimistic point of view on it. --- I've been busy with schoolwork, etc., so I may not be posting as much as I'd like, but I try! <3, Pseudonym

Unreasonable Ambitions

So, I want to learn French, but I'm finding it pretty hard to transition between Spanish, which is what I take in school as an elective, and French. The conjugations are different. For example, in Spanish, you would say "tu eres" for "you are", but in French, you would say "tu es", which means the same thing. However, "es" in Spanish is the conjugation for the the formal "you", and "tu" is the informal "you" in Spanish. But I feel like French is such a pretty language though, and I really want to follow through with it. <3, Pseudonym

Shower Thoughts (not by me)

- Dora calls herself an explorer but travels exclusively through mapped territories. - "Do not touch" must be one of the scariest things to read in Braille. - "Go to bed, you'll feel better in the morning" is the human version of "Did you turn it off and back on again?" - At age 30, you'll have spent a month of birthdays. - When you say "Forward" or "Back", your lips move in those directions. - Clapping is just hitting yourself because you like something. - The Japanese flag could just be a pie chart of how much Japan is Japan. - In order to fall asleep, you must pretend to be asleep first. - A ton of people is literally 12-15 people. - History classes are only going to get longer and harder as time goes on. - The Google driving car should have an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button that takes you somewhere random. - When a teenager pulls their phone out from their pocket to check the time, they are ba

Why Japan is Better

So, coming back from a week-long trip in Japan, I've noticed a lot of differences between Japanese culture and American culture. Here is a list of reasons "Why Japan is Better". 1. Food/Drink Do I even have to explain? Sushi. Gyudon. Ramen. Miso soup. Drinks are the bestest things ever. There's 3.6% milkfat milk and it is actually heaven. 2. Convenience There are literally vending machines with the bestest drinks ever on every other corner (in Tokyo, at least) You can take the metro anywhere and everywhere. In facts, cars are basically less convenient. The entire bottom of Tokyo is literally empty. There are people/officers posted at like every single corner so you can ask them anything (provided that you know Japanese) Convenience marts are like amazing. 7-Elevens and Lawsons (a Japanese mart) actually sell good food. Chain restaurants are still yummy. The food comes really fast. In one restaurant in Nagoya, we waited for 3 minutes and when the wait

Really WeIrD Words

Okay. There are some words like "apricity", or "philocaly", or "serendipity", or "wise". But there are also words like "moist" and "squirt" and "creamy" and "slimy" and ewwwww... For example: The air was very moist . The lotion squirted out of the tube. The creamy moisturizing lotion squirted out of the tube. Enough? Okay. <3, Pseudonym

Oblivion: A Poem

Closed my eyes; Not that it made much of a difference It was dark anyways. And I lay there, Unmoving. Looking, But not seeing. And all that I could hear Was the silence. And when I felt the heavy blanket Settle over me Caressing every curve, Every edge, Every little imperfection; And when I felt it settle, I let it. Binding me to this bed; Binding me forever. --- Woah... I actually posted a poem! Thanks for reading (if you actually did read it)! This is my own poem that I wrote maybe a week ago (or maybe less than a week ago). Let me know what you think. <3, Pseudonym

Something New

I'm trying something new, and I probably won't even continue this, but I still hope I can continue this blog -- either as a habit or just for plain enjoyment. You always have to start somewhere, right? I think when I made this, I was thinking of posting nice shower thoughts (most of them probably not from me) or some poems or things that I've created myself. Or maybe not by myself. I'm still not sure. I love big, beautiful, and descriptive words. You might have noticed that from the title of my blog: "Philocaly". Apparently, it's not a word. There's a red dotted line under it. But philocaly means "the love of beauty", and I think that really represents who I am as a person. As for my hobbies, well, it's typical to just put the ones that you think sound good to readers: reading, playing piano, writing, studying quantum physics, etc. etc. etc. But what I really love is drawing (even though I'm not very good at it), traveling (especi