Really WeIrD Words

Okay. There are some words like "apricity", or "philocaly", or "serendipity", or "wise". But there are also words like "moist" and "squirt" and "creamy" and "slimy" and ewwwww...

For example:

The air was very moist.

The lotion squirted out of the tube.

The creamy moisturizing lotion squirted out of the tube.





  1. _moist_ dan and phil (i dont even know if the italics thing will work so dont judge me)

  2. There's also those words in the world like 'uxorious' and 'sesquipedalian' (my personal favorite word) and 'catoptromancy' and 'deipnosophist' which would never be used in conversation. Plus their meanings are soooo specific!

    uxorious - having or showing an excessive or submissive fondness for one's wife.
    sesquipedalian - (of a word) polysyllabic; long.
    catoptromancy - basically trying to tell the future by means of a mirror.
    deipnosophist - someone skilled in the arts of dinner conversations?!?

    then there's those words that are short and sweet, like 'erf' and 'cwm' and 'serac.' and then there's this really weird one: 'aa'. that's it. double a's and you're done.

    erf: a plot of land
    cwm: a half-open steep-sided hollow at the head of a valley or on a mountainside, formed by glacial erosion.
    serac: a pinnacle or ridge of ice on the surface of a glacier.
    aa: a kind of volcanic lava that forms jagged masses with a light frothy texture.

    there you go. some really neat words de l'anglais. (test! what does that mean!)

    ~Scathach the Shadow


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