Why Japan is Better

So, coming back from a week-long trip in Japan, I've noticed a lot of differences between Japanese culture and American culture. Here is a list of reasons "Why Japan is Better".

1. Food/Drink

  • Do I even have to explain? Sushi. Gyudon. Ramen. Miso soup.
  • Drinks are the bestest things ever. There's 3.6% milkfat milk and it is actually heaven.

2. Convenience

  • There are literally vending machines with the bestest drinks ever on every other corner (in Tokyo, at least)
  • You can take the metro anywhere and everywhere. In facts, cars are basically less convenient. The entire bottom of Tokyo is literally empty.
  • There are people/officers posted at like every single corner so you can ask them anything (provided that you know Japanese)
  • Convenience marts are like amazing. 7-Elevens and Lawsons (a Japanese mart) actually sell good food.
  • Chain restaurants are still yummy.
  • The food comes really fast. In one restaurant in Nagoya, we waited for 3 minutes and when the waitress came, she apologized for making us wait for so long.
3. High-quality Stuffs
  • Everything you get in Japan is easy to open. Everything.
  • They think of everything - they give you a cooling block if you buy chocolate or stuffs like that.
  • The tape comes off with one pull.
  • When you buy milk, they give you a straw.
  • We saw a Cat Cafe but my parents wouldn't let me go :(((
5. Politeness
  • Everybody stands on the left no matter what. 
  • In DisneySea, there was a huge parade going on, and the staff people were guiding us to walk on the left so there were two separate directions.
  • On the escalator out of the metro station during rush hour, everybody stood on the left - to the extent that we were in line to get out of the station. The right side was reserved for those in a rush and who walked up the escalator.
  • No talking in public spaces. It's seen as disrespectful to force others to listen to loud conversation even if they don't want to. The bus drive from the airport to our hotel was silent for 1 1/2 hours. Silent.
  • If someone's scarf accidentally touches you, they will immediately take it back and say sorry.
  • When you walk into the restaurant, everybody says welcome. Even the cooks.
That's it for now. In conclusion, Japan is better.

K, bye!



  1. yes




    i agree


    japan is awesome

    also the streets are very clean and theres like no trash cans anywhere but yet theres no litter its amazing


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