Poetry Prompts

Just some of my scattered thoughts all around:

- How would you describe a color to a blind person (or colors in general)?

- How would you describe a sound to a deaf person (or sounds in general)?

- Pick one sensation usually associated with a certain sense, then use the 4 other senses to describe it (without ever mentioning what it is!). For example: what does furry smell, look, taste, and sound like? Use your imagination!

- Describe a "perfect you" (how you aspire to be like), then end with looking away from the mirror. This one is great for those down moments!

- Write a side-by-side poem (formatted like a conversation) between an optimistic point of view on a specific subject and a pessimistic point of view on it.


I've been busy with schoolwork, etc., so I may not be posting as much as I'd like, but I try!



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